I (Sam) woke up to a fair amount of wind and a chilly morning. Remembering that Clines Corner had a Subway inside, I went and ordered myself some breakfast. Afterwards, I did some shopping for supplies in the convinience store portion and headed off on my way. It was a slow morning, so it must have been around 1pm at this point (Clines Corner was just such a nice spot to hang out at). The walk itself wasn’t all too bad. I was very motivated by the relatively large inflow of donations we were receiving. I am not too sure how this happened, but I suspect it had something to do with the Daily Northwestern article. We probably received around 30 donations and gained 100 instagram followers. It was pretty spectacular. I eventually reached the town of Moriarty while on the phone with my friend John. James had told me he slept in a shed the night before, so I was on the lookout for one of those. Unfortunately, I was on the interstate while James took the service road, and there was a barbed wire fence separating me from the sheds. I considered climbing it, but there were several traffic control officers a road over and I did not want to raise any suspicion. I set up my tent about 30 feet away from the interstate and went to bed. It was tough seeing the sheds so close yet so hard, and I was nervous for how the weather would be in the morning.