We were both tired in the morning after a long day of walking yesterday. I (James) headed out around 9:40, and Sam left about 50 minutes after that. The state highway we were on had a narrow shoulder, so we kept having to stop to move out of the way of cars and trucks coming by. The route took us off the main road for 6 or 7 miles, and several brutal stretches of pushing the strollers up gravel hills gave way to scenic views of the hillside. 16 miles in, I took my first big break at Clay’s Drive In, where I enjoyed a delicious soft serve ice cream. Sam arrived about 50 minutes later, and I left a few minutes after that. At around 8:00pm, I reached 26 miles on the day at Antrim Mennonite Church. We were both very low on water, so I was hoping to find some here. Two young women named Trisha and Carina gave me a bunch of water bottles and also made a call to make sure we could sleep by the church. As I was sitting on the grass enjoying some Chef Boyardee for dinner, Trisha and Carina came back in their car. They gave me a cup of ice cream and wished me good luck on my trip! Unfortunately, they could not get any ice cream for Sam, as it would have melted by the time he arrived.