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Day 64: basketball, Taco Bell, and sidewalks

Today was a very sad day. It was our last morning in Saint Louis. Per the tradition of leaving a residence, James and I (Sam) slept in and lounged around for most of the morning. We eventually packed our belongings together, and I was also greeted with a flat tire on my stroller which I had to patch before leaving. As we were leaving the garage, we realized that we NEEDED to play basketball in the driveway, so we shot hoops for about 20 minutes before eventually leaving. The roads were actually not all that bad, as many of them featured sidewalks. We stopped at a CVS to get some food and later a Taco Bell for some dinner. Our home for the night was a large church which we slept behind of. We slept tight and were pleasantly surprised to see that mosquitos were not out for blood despite walking at night.


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